The following results are listed in a random order.
通过这款工具,你可以提取和清理音频文件中的声音,或将声音从音频片段中完全删除。上传一个或多个文件,即可分割音频文件,并创建语音干和噪音干。噪音干是一个无声文件,可用作卡拉 OK 或氛围音轨等。
与您的团队实时创建现场活动或录音室录音的编辑注释,将注释下载为 CSV、PDF 或 Excel 文件,或将其作为标记直接导入到 Adobe Premiere Pro、Avid Media Composer、DaVinci Resolve 和/或其他 NLE 中的编辑序列中。
Use this tool to verify that your audio mix meets a specific standard. The tool will generate a loudness report from the uploaded file. It can also normalize an audio file and make it conform to a standard of your choice.